Posted:  27. 03. 2023.


Here are a few sculpting projects I've finished in the past several months. Some are commissions, some are my own, but they're all going to get released at some point.

I'll start with Folk Horrors II, as I'm currently in the middle of preparing the Kickstarter campaign for them. This set of a dozen creatures is an expansion of last year's Folk Horrors range released through KS with Meridian Miniatures. We were super happy with how it went, and the sculpts were well received. I've seen them painted and converted a lot on Instagram and it's always a joy! It made all the sense to do a sequel. The new set features additions to existing 'species' of Folk Horrors: more Straw Children, more Bellmen, etc. There's also a new one: the Hutas, which are little chicken huts that combine elements of Baba Yaga's house and wooden churches.

These will be sold as a full set of metal miniatures. Those who missed the original Folk Horrors KS (or want to get more) will be able to take the first set as an add-on. There's another add-on planned, which I'm going to keep as a surprise for now, but I think many will be happy to see it. Here's how the new Horrors look in metal:

Nekroplanet's defenders the Grobniks are getting some love as well. 

Grobnik Sharpshooter is a tomb-guarding robot designed to eliminate intruders from afar using its exquisite marksmanship. It's now on its way to Mammoth Miniatures to join the existing Grobnik figure range.

Grobnik Annihilator is an armoured walker armed with destructive lasers. You’ve seen two versions of this machine already, that I’ve built out of toy parts and trash (HERE and HERE). This Mk.3 is sculpted entirely from putty and once it's cast it will be a hefty chunk of resin.

These two new sculpts will be accompanied by the Grobnik Assassin, which was sculpted a long time ago (shown HERE), and by a set of little artefacts. If all goes well, they will be dropping in a few months.

It's Smash Bash time of year again, and I was commissioned to sculpt a set of figures for the event once more. Smash Bash is a free to enter, themed, mini competition that celebrates the creative, gruesome, pathetic, and evocative side of our hobby. Categories, competition, trophies and prizes abound.  Grim, evocative, and moody works encouraged to apply.

The figures I sculpt for Smash Bash are traditionally cast in metal to be given away as prizes and sold in the Smash Bash shop@totally_not_panicking, the creative behind Smash Bash, gives me a more ambitious task every time. This year's set consists of five figures, each with two options for left hand, right hand, and head. This will not only give you options when building the figures - it'll leave you with plenty of extras for your bits box. This year the competition has a theme: 'a brackish birth', and these figures were made with that in mind. I'm particularly happy with the sawfish swords and fish-themed helmets. Looking forward to seeing what people do with them. They are still in production, and will appear in the shop soon.


And last but not least, something that was a first for me: custom mechs for Battletech. I was commissioned by @itswhatevan to design and sculpt four militia mechs: an ultra light, a light, and a pair of mediums. I've never played Battletech and only had a limited knowledge of the game and its universe. It was a challenging project, but I'm happy with the results! The minis were cast in metal and were for the first time available during last week's Adepticon. To my knowledge, they will be sold online at some point in the future by Under the Dice.

As always, thanks to all of Gardens of Hecate’s patrons! Your support is appreciated. If you’re not a member, you can join here anytime: PATREON

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Splendid work! smile
I’m especially thrilled about the Folk Horrors! (Since I didn’t catch the first one)

By Piotr J on 2023 03 28

Thank you! Yeah, now you’ll have the chance to pick up both Folk Horrors sets.

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2023 03 29

So excited about the new set of folk horrors! The last campaign was run so smoothly smile

Do you have an estimated launch date for the new set? I’m guessing if we backed the last set we’ll get an email through to let us know about the new set anyway?

By Iain on 2023 04 02

The campaign is currently waiting to be approved by KS. We’re hoping to launch next week, but it all depends how long it takes them to process it. And yes, if you backed any previous KS from Andrew you’ll get an email about the new one.

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2023 04 02

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