REPORT Turm2024 & Kamping Kitbash
Posted: 30. 09. 2024.

Took me a few months, but I finally finished my report from Turm 2024, a Forbidden Psalm event I hosted at UMS "Agram" in July! Since this was my largest event so far, and there were so many cool things to show, it was never going to fit into one blog post. So I decided to make it in the form of a PDF zine. It's nearly 40 pages long; featuring warband and monster showcases, and all the custom scenarios that were used at the event. Thanks again to all participants for their contributions!
Download the document directly here: TURM 2024 REPORT.
The zine is kindly hosted by 28 Mag on their website. While you're there, check out what else they've got!

Earlier this month (13-15 September) I attended Kamping Kitbash in Gent, Belgium. I got to hang out with wonderful people, do hobby stuff, see sights, drink Belgian beers, and bring a few rad things home. You may have seen my Instagram post about it if you follow me there. I've now put a longer version on Patreon, with more photos and longer text. As with most of my Patreon posts, you don't have to be a paying member to access this content. Read the report HERE.
Looks like a wonderfully immersive event, with a fantastic community spirit. Really hope to be able to attend one at some point
By Iain on 2024 10 06