Turm 2023 Progress Update: Vvolos Cult
Posted: 28. 04. 2023.
The Tower City, home for centuries to the yellow-robed necromancers, was hit by a devastating bolt from the sky and reduced to rubble. In the damp caves beneath the deep dungeones of the city dwells their god Vvolos, who eats souls and shits gold. You are here to plunder their riches. But beware! There will be resistance from the still surviving Cult of Vvolos: the council of necromancers, with their living and their undead minions. And, you are not the only one coming to Turm to pillage.
Turm 2023, a Forbidden Psalm gaming event hosted by myself and UMS “Agram” in Zagreb, is a couple months away. The participants are working on their warbands, and I am painting the enemies they will be facing during their day of gaming.
There will be eight players in total, so we need enough enemies to equip four tables. Bestiarum Games were kind enough to send me a bunch of resin prints of their cultists and necromancers. The cultists are perfect as is, but the weavers of the dark arts were converted into followers of Vvolos: Vedrana Gangrena, Ikorid the Duplicitous, Iulia Docta-Sophosse, and Havok the Archwraith. Each is a specialist for a one of four doctrines: Flesh, Blood, Bone, and Spirit - and commands corresponding undead minions: Zombies, Ghouls, Skeletons, and Ghosts, respectively.
As you can see above, I still have a ton of crazed cultists to paint before the event.
Besides these figures that will be used during the event, Bestiarum will also be providing prize support. Here’s a bit about them in their own words:
"Our goal at Bestiarum is to explore the truly dark world of Doaden, a world inspired by the greatest horror stories. Each month, we expand this universe with a bundle showcasing the nightmarish monsters, twisted cults, and bizarre gods that inhabit this world. Along with high quality STL's ready for printing we provide lore for each faction and epic adventures for various RPG systems so that you can dive into this decaying and unforgiving world with your friends and face the horrors within."
Alongside their miniatures, each month Bestiarum Games releases a new Forbidden Psalm scenario pack, developed with Kevin Rahman himself. Pay them a visit here: BESTIARUMGAMES.COM, you’ll surely find something nice for yourself.
Those who have been following my blog for a while will recognise the Vvolos Cult of Turm as one of the factions I created back in 2017, when AoS28 first appeared. The lore of Turm doesn’t necessarily chain it in any particular world, so since I’m no longer interested in AoS28 they got transplanted into a new setting and happily continue their existence there. If you want to revisit the original Vvolos cult warband (or learn about it for the first time), you can still find it on my old blog (HERE), as well as in my book (HERE).
The original Cult of Vvolos warband, led by Iulia Docta-Sophosse.
We received a package from another of our sponsors: Ramshackle Games. Here’s what they have to say:
"Ramshackle Games embraces the pathetic aesthetic, the horrific and the weird. Come and look around our web store. There are loads of cool models suitable for skirmish gaming."
Ramshackle sent us five packs of their upcoming figure range: the Boglanders. These strange characters would feel right at home in Forbidden Psalm warbands. Make sure to follow Ramshackle’s WEBSITE and/or socials if you want to keep up to date about this release.
I designed a bespoke Omen deck for the event, which will be given away to each participant - compliments of our host UMS “Agram”. Each pack will contain two sets of omens, so they can have enough for two players when they take it home. Now I just need to get them printed!
That’s all for now, see you in the next post!
Thanks Iain!
What a great event, I wish I could participate. Bestiarum miniatures have great designs, I made my Forbidden Psalm band out of their heroes, and pick some monsters too.
I expect a report of the Turm2023 with lot of photos!
Thank Igor! There will most certainly be a report with a lot of photos.
Looks really exciting! Hope to be able to attend one of your events some day The bestarium minis look amazing. Something new for me to check out!
By Iain on 2023 05 01