Posted:  30. 09. 2020.



This month's step-by-step covers painting of plastic ruin scenery for the popular GW game Warcry. I've painted this kit several times, both for my own table and as commissions. It's always been a fantastic backdrop for games and photos alike. Check the Gallery for a few examples.

Let's get into the tutorial.


That's all until next time. Hope you find it helpful!

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That is a super clear & handy tutorial

By Gavroche on 2020 09 30

Brilliant, your tutorials are always excellent references. Thank you!

By Viktor on 2020 09 30

Thanks Gavroche and Viktor!

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2020 09 30

I’ve been looking forward to this after you announced it a few weeks back. I’m a big fan of typhus corrosion as a grime layer! The logical order you put it in and the clarity of the instructions is incredibly helpful - I’ve just bought some of the terrain and was waiting for this before getting started. Wondering if you have come across True Earth weathering powders and paints? A bit extravagant- but great for finishing touches and Rust / corrosion focal points.

By Razorbug on 2020 10 01

@Razorbug - Thank you! I haven’t heard of True Earth, looks interesting. I prefer to keep most of my painting products water-based, so this looks like something I may try.

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2020 10 02

Very interesting and inspiring tutorial!

By The Golem on 2020 10 02

@The Golem - Thank you!

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2020 10 02

Tis a dream come true !

By Chugasaurus on 2020 10 03

Thanks! Very thorough tutorial with a great effect. Love the little pictures of tools used.

By potsiat on 2020 10 04

Thanks @Chugasaurus and @potsiat!

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2020 10 06

Thanks Ana for posting the tutorial, I’ve been admiring your terrain for some time now and using it in my own project mood board. So I got myself some craft acrylics and some sponge and a piece of the Warcry ruins to try it out… The result lacks the “Ana magick”, I think the main problem was that even when super-diluted, my grey ‘glaze’ overpowered the zenithal undercoat. I’m going to have another go, using Medium rather than water to create a thinner glaze that should cover better. My instinct is to dry-brush as well, but I’m going to persevere with the sponge! A video would really help, don’t give up on it grin

By Mike Adams on 2023 08 14

A video would definitely be better than a written tutorial, but it demands its own skills and resources. Who knows, maybe one day.

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2023 08 23

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