REPORT Turm2024 & Kamping Kitbash
Took me a few months, but I finally finished my report from Turm 2024, a Forbidden Psalm event I hosted at UMS "Agram" in July!...
We’ll be gathering again in Zagreb this July for a day of Forbidden Psalm! I’m working once more with UMS”Agram” to host Turm2024,...
Last War in Ljubljana
Last weekend I visited Ljubljana, Slovenia. I spent my Saturday at the Slovenian Open Scale Modelling Championship organised by Slovenian...
Turm 2023 Progress Update: Vvolos Cult
The Tower City, home for centuries to the yellow-robed necromancers, was hit by a devastating bolt from the sky and reduced to rubble. In...
Turm 2023 Announcement
If you’re a regular here you will have noticed I’ve been playing Forbiden Psalm a lot lately. It’m nearing the end of my campaign,...
Lucca Comics & Games 2022
From October 28th to November 1st, I visited a large comics and games convention in Lucca, a city in Tuscany. Lucca has a perfectly...