
Tutorial: Painting Mummified Skin
This step-by-step covers painting of mummified skin, a method that I used on many Zombie figures I painted for skirmish...

Tutorial: Spherical Drone Build
A couple weeks back I showed off a pair of scratch-built hovering drones I made to accompany the Nekroplanet tomb raiders. This is a...

Tutorial: Preserving Moss
I'm currently exploring new scenic photography ideas, and I finally got to use the leaf preservation technique with glycerine I...

Tutorial: Painting Gauss Weapons
Got a new step-by-step for you, for painting of Necron Gauss weapons (the post-"transparent green rod" ones). This tutorial was done on...

Tutorial: Painting Warcry Ruins
This month's step-by-step covers painting of plastic ruin scenery for the popular GW game Warcry. I've painted this kit several...

Tutorial: Painting Ghosts
I've been panting some more Nighthaunt as a commission, and thought now would be a good opportunity to give you a tutorial on my...