Posted:  08. 01. 2025.


Exquisite Corpse:

I.  A collective art game in witch several collaborating artists contribute a piece to assemble an artwork, only being allowed to see the final result. 

II. A corpse in exquisite condition, perfect for mad experiments and re-animation. 


The idea for this project was born all the way back in 2022, when Helge (WilhelMiniatures) and I were in Italy promoting Boneforest. We’d play Exquisite Corpse with Moritz Krebs and any other people who happened to be around. It’s a simple art game where each participant draws a section of a creature not knowing what the others are doing - the result is an amusing mismatched monstrosity. You can see one example below. Anyway, inspiration struck to do something like this with miniature sculpting.

It took us a while to get from idea in 2022 to Kickstarter in 2025. Andrew (Meridian Miniatures) at some point came on board as the third sculptor, and we worked on the project in between other projects during 2023. Each of us sculpted a handful of bits; heads, torsos, arms and legs, that we sent to each other. Then it was up to each sculptor to create a few miniatures based on whatever they received from the others, plus their own contribution. This way all three of us were involved in the creation of the characters.

The result is a collection of 11 big weirdo miniatures. They’re cast in grey coloured resin and designed to fit with miniatures in a 28 mm scale, but they’re quite large than a human of that scale. See images below that show them in relation with a 1x1 cm grid and compared to a Citadel Miniatures Space Marine to give an impression of their actual size. 

We grouped them into somewhat logical bundles so you can pick up just your favourites, or you can pledge for the entire lot. The Kickstarter is running until January 11 - get them while you can! Follow THIS LINK to get to the campaign page.

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Awesome! Kind of the opposite of kitbashing… bashcasting? smile

By Marc on 2025 01 08

Thanks! It’s essentially minis that come pre-kitbashed for you haha

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2025 01 09

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