Posted:  29. 01. 2025.


We're ending January with a step-by-step. Mushrooms can make your fantasy bases more interesting, and at the same time give you opportunity to use your leftover greenstuff after a sculpting or converting session.

And here is the mini that served as example: Tom Meier's Zombie Dragon. The paintjob is based on JB's artwork that came on the box when this mini was produced by Citadel Miniatures. It's still available from Ral Partha nowadays. I painted it for my brother's undead army.

What's your method?

What would you do to further improve these?

Let me know in the comments.

As always, thanks to my paying Patreon members! Thanks to you all my tutorials are available for everyone. Making this stuff takes time and effort, and becoming a paying member is one way you can reward it.

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I take those little decorative studs and cover them in hot glue. You get a bump in the middle and a flat rounded shape. Then I drip some more hot glue off the edges to make those creepy dripping black “ink cap” mushrooms.

For “bleeding tooth” mushrooms, I paint little bits of sponge white and fill in the holes with blood effect paint.

I guess I only make gross-looking mushrooms. smile

By Marc on 2025 01 29

That’s great, thanks for sharing Marc! I have to try making hot glue shrooms.

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2025 01 30

I do something similar when I end up with spare putty. I make little balls which I then lightly pinch on one side. I then roll the pinch between my thumb and forefinger which creates a teardrop shape.  I push the end of a paintbrush into the thick end to form a void, and then carefully pinch the edges around this gap to create a downward hood. You end up with a shape that looks a lot like a drooping wizard’s hat.

That’s a lovely dragon. Wonderful face. From one side its expression looks crazed and malicious, whilst the other carries a sort of weary sadness. What system is your brother playing?

By Magician Stage on 2025 02 03

@Magician Stage - Thanks for sharing! We’re using One Page Rules as a guideline for unit composition. It’s the system that seems like we’d enjoy it, but we haven’t played a game yet. If it turns out we don’t dig it we’ll look elsewhere. Most things from our undead and orc armies are also usable for skirmish games. I like to have collections that are versatile like that.

By Ana Polanšćak    on 2025 02 04

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